Our products range includes pedometer, green energy products, healthcare products, etc.


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[Download] setup
MyPedometer_V3.0.exe (The Downloadable H-215D Pedometer Health Management System Installation Software : ( Ver. 3.0 ))
2012/4/12 3MB / 1031 次
[Download] P1NG-v1.03.0001
p1ng App for Windows
2012/4/12 3MB / 1048 次
[Download] H-215Dv20111setup
The Downloadable H-215D Pedometer Health Management System Installation Software : (Ver.
2012/4/12 3MB / 1000 次
[Download] UT104 MVPA G-sensor Pedometer User Guide
ULTIMA UT-104 User Guide
2012/4/12 527KB / 1045 次
[Download] User Guide for UT-608
ULTIMA UT-608 User Guide
2012/4/12 235KB / 1182 次
[Download] Ultimate-Bestek_brochure6
download: The ULTIMA series MVPA G-sensor Pedometer Brochuse _page 6
2012/4/12 2MB / 1005 次
[Download] Ultimate-Bestek_brochure5
download: The ULTIMA series MVPA G-sensor Pedometer Brochuse _page 5
2012/4/12 2MB / 969 次
[Download] Ultimate-Bestek_brochure4
download: The ULTIMA series MVPA G-sensor Pedometer Brochuse _page 4
2012/4/12 2MB / 922 次
[Download] Ultimate-Bestek_brochure3
download: The ULTIMA series MVPA G-sensor Pedometer Brochuse _page 3
2012/4/12 2MB / 954 次
[Download] Ultimate-Bestek_brochure2
download: The ULTIMA series MVPA G-sensor Pedometer Brochuse _page 2
2012/4/12 2MB / 991 次
[Download] Ultimate-Bestek_brochure1
download: The ULTIMA series MVPA G-sensor Pedometer Brochuse _page 1
2012/4/12 2MB / 978 次
[Download] P1NG Quick Start Guide_2015.9.04-CS5-OL
Quick Start User Guide (pdf)
2012/4/12 3MB / 3388 次
[Download] Bestek_PP_Presentation_S
CoreLite / CoreXL Software Presentation
2012/4/12 3MB / 1109 次
[Download] Bestek_Pedometer_Taiwan manufacturer_Introduction
Bestek_Pedometer_Taiwan manufacturer_Introduction.pdf
2012/4/12 771KB / 1316 次
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